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Old Thu Aug 13, 2009, 03:25 PM
Lisa V Lisa V is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Waimanalo, Hawaii
Posts: 401
I agree, this is confusing. You need to follow up with your doctor immediately and find out what is going on.

Just based on what you've told us, though, I wouldn't jump to the conclusion that it's AA. Your red count is low, and that would certainly explain your symptoms, but your white count looks good. As Marlene says, you need to look at your platelets and neutrophils (ANC) too, but if your overall white count is that good, I wouldn't expect your ANC to be too low (neutrophils are just one component of the white count, but a very important one). For it to be AA, at least two of the three lines (RBC, WBC & PLT) need to be low, and usually all three are. A diagnosis is made based on both the BMB results (marrow cellularity, any abnormal cytogenetics, etc.) AND your peripheral blood counts.

If it's just your RBCs, something else is going on, but either way it needs to be addressed. Your doctor hasn't said anything about a red cell transfusion? They generally don't like your Hgb to go below 8.0, and will usually transfuse at higher levels than that if you're having symptoms or if it's dropping rapidly. Another option may be the use of EPO (RBC growth factor) drugs such as Procrit or Aranesp. They don't work for everyone, but it's worth looking into.
-Lisa, husband Ken age 60 dx SAA 7/04, dx hypo MDS 1/06 w/finding of trisomy 8; 2 ATGs, partial remission, still using cyclosporine
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