Thread: New member
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Old Sat Oct 24, 2009, 04:41 PM
leeslay leeslay is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Colorado Springs, CO
Posts: 38
New member

I went to the Dr. the first time in February 2009 because I was bruising like crazy! My Dr. thought I had luekemia at first because my platelets were 10, I will never forget that day. They did a bone marrow biopsy and found it wasn't luekiemia, but I was not diagnosed until early April. My hemotologist told me I have Aplastic Anemia, PNH and MDS. We were going to do the horse ATG but I had an immediate allergic reaction to the skin test. We did the rabbit ATG instead. I had severe serum sickness for over two months! I did have a reaction to the rabbit serum but it took about 3 1/2 months. My platelets are now around 30,000, my WBC is 1.8 and my RBC is 9.6. I have to get red blood transfusions about once a month. I have not had a platelet transfusion since June.

Since my counts are now starting to decline my Dr. wants to try the horse ATG, first starting a desencitation. I was not comfortable at all with this so I went to the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix to get a second opinion. The Dr I saw there was not crazy about doing the horse ATG either, but said it was that or a BMT. I am 38, I have two kids and a wonderful husband who has been very supportive. My family has been great throughout all of this. I do not know what to do now. I am not very interested in doing the horse ATG so that leaves having a BMT. This is scary to me also but I want this cured, not just treated. I am not sure what to do!!

Has anyone else been diagnosed with all three? My Dr. says its not very common. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
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