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Old Tue Dec 1, 2009, 08:55 PM
JEZ JEZ is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Birmingham, AL
Posts: 68
Got labs again today... although the labs said platelets were 67K (last labs 5 wks. ago were 71K) which would be continued down trend, my doctor did a manual count of a smear and said the actual count is more like 81K. Last time she also did a manual count and it was on target with the machine labs at 71K. She said my retic. count and all others like RBC, WBC, neutrophils, Hg, Hct etc were all normal so my marrow is working. She wonders if the Imuran itself is causing lower platelet counts and may decrease my dose next time. I want to be happy but it seems she did that manual count so I wouldn't worry.. does anyone else know anything about accuracy of manual counts vs. machine counts on labs??? I wish my platelets would go back up to normal like they were at the beginning of the year before I had to stop Csa.

JEZ, 50s, diagnosed AA Dec 2006, ATG one time, serum sickness resolved / took cyclosporine (Neoral) with delayed response but now with good labs/ recent kidney toxicity, so off of cyclosporine now and trying generic Imuran
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