I have mild upper left quadrant pain, sternal and cervical spine discomfort, chest tightness and shortness of breath. Also gastrointestinal symtoms. These symtoms were beginning to subside and then they came back a few months ago when my platelets started to drop again. My local hemotologist relates these symtoms to anxiety but I am not so sure.
Jill, 58 y/o female dx with MDS-U June 2008, IPSS:Int. 2. Allogeneic SCT May 25, 2010. Relapsed January 2011. Started Vidaza (azacitadine) Feb. 2011; Currently on cycle #58 , IV, 5-days every six weeks. WBC 5.3, Hgb 13.0, PLT 110 (2/16/18)