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Old Wed May 12, 2010, 04:18 PM
Mimi C Mimi C is offline
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Fouke, AR
Posts: 14
Some Doctors Suck & an update

Mom's regular doctor (Kempson) just didn't have the time to see her yesterday...not even a quick 5 minute deal and he's off today. She is retaining fluid to the tune of about 8-10 extra pounds. Thankfully I have a wonderful PA that was more than happy to see her today. We are now on Lasix for the fluid retention. It was so bad that Mom was having a very difficult time breathing. I'm making a list of people that suck and her former oncologist and regular doctor are top on the list.

Mom's counts: Wbc 113, Rbc 3.3, Plt 38, Hgb 11.1, Hct 32.5. The transfusion we had last Saturday is doing good. The white blood count is obviously way elevated and giving me great concern. We are on Hydrea to lower the WBC but it hasn't taken hold yet. They say it takes about a week to build up and kick in. Any suggestions? Thoughts? Things to watch for?

Mom's potassium level is only 3.3 but that is up from where it was. We are taking extra now to also help compensate for the lasix. She is very tired.
Mimi, daughter of Lucy age 77, diagnosed MDS Jan. 09; Vidaza Jan 09-Jun 09 no improvement; Clofarabine clinical trial Oct 09-Feb 10 mild improvement in blasts; blasts 4% in Aug 09; 30% Sep 09; 2% in December; 30% in March; AML diagnosed April 2010 .
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