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Old Tue Jul 6, 2010, 09:37 AM
Susan L Susan L is offline
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Ga
Posts: 245

Roger - I started Dacogen May 25th. I have finished two cycles next one on July 19th. My only problem is that I am exhausted all the time. I have antinausea meds before treatments and that helps. Hope you do good - please let me know what side effects you have. Like I said, the tiredness is my only real problem as I am trying to work also. I have MDS raeb w/blasts, abnormal chromosome abnormalities. Previously had treatment at the NIH w/ATG - remission for 7 yrs then counts bottomed.

Originally Posted by roger View Post
This is not a reply but an introduction. I have been in discussion with others re Vadaza for 6 months as that is what I was taking. It did some real ugly things to my body so now Onch is switching me to Decagen. I start this Monday.

I understand people find it easier on the body than Vadaza and I'm glad I no longer have to take those shots in the belly for 7 days. Now my regiment is to be via pic line and for only 5 days. Ah I have my weekends back to surf. Obviously I'm kidding.

I notice several others will be beginning Decagon on or about the same time so if you like we can compare notes and see if we are feeling as expected through out the process.

My doc hasn't told me squat about how long in between cycles nor the progress of my Vadaza treatments and I'm beginning to think he rather i not know.

It seems everyone else remains ontop of their progress or lack of it. Opinions welcome.

I wish us all good luck and the Lord will hold our hands throughout our new journey
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