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Old Sat Aug 7, 2010, 12:53 PM
Lbrown Lbrown is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 361
I'm finally out of hospital and nearing the end of my flagyl for the C diff. This morning I finally did not throw up. I'd been barfing like clockwork every morning despite not feeling sick, I think it was the flagyl.

They abruptly stopped the pred in hospital and I gained about 15 kgs of water. Am taking a diuretic now and it's finally starting to get better. What a pain.

I am going back to work Monday.

Yesterday I walked a mile in the woods. Today I am going to trail ride my horse with a couple friends, nothing strenuous. Just getting on will be a challenge.

I think I am past the worst of it and finally on the mend. I am down to 15mg prednisone and will continue to taper. I saw the dr yesterday.

I think my big mistake was going to the hospital when my fever spiked. If they hadn't have given me those abx, I probably wouldn't have gotten C diff. But I didn't really know. Oh well. I really hope I don't have to go through this again.

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