Thread: Dacogen Tx
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Old Wed Aug 18, 2010, 11:24 PM
Debbie W Debbie W is offline
Join Date: May 2010
Location: NJ
Posts: 202

Sorry about all the tests as I know they can be tiring on their own, I hope it is just the chemo and that a little rest will help, but that it will still yield the desired results. I'm happy that they went ahead with another BMB, sure I am not the one having that done, but I still think it is helpful to know if continued treatment on the same regimen is what is needed. Are they still intending to start another round of Dagocen next week, or has that been delayed until the results of the BMB?

We are still waiting for things to clear up, they had detected an infection in the lungs and waiting for a follow up CT scan, just not sure if it will be the end of this week or the following week. My husband is getting anxious to leave the confines of floor 12 and floor 15, where they have the recreational facilities, hoping that they will release him with oral antibiotics and a follow up CT scan closer to home as an outpatient.

Two new items today, they were able to calcuate an ANC - .2 and he was allowed about two hours away from his patient pal when they changed the lines and before they had to start more anti-everythings (biotics, fungals etc) We'll see what tomorrow brings. Asked questions today about the blasts in his peripheral blood as an indicator that the treatment is working, still trying to research a bit more on this issue to see if there are any early indications if the treatment is indeed working, guess I'm not a patient caregiver

Best to you

Debbie, wife of Mike age 58, diagnosed RAEB 2 April 2010. Initial blast count somewhere between 10-15% then 20% after two treatments of Dacogen. Completed induction therapy 8/2/2010. BMB 8/31/10 - 4% blasts. SCT 10/1/2010. Relapsed in 10/2014, second transplant from same donor on 12/31/2014.
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