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Old Mon Sep 6, 2010, 11:18 AM
rose mcmillin rose mcmillin is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Fort Myers, Fl Lee Cnty
Posts: 46
Hi, Sorry about your platelets. I wish I had a magic answer for your platelets but we are struggling with the same thing. Just wanted you to know that I have read about zero platelets before. I know that what we read is frightening but try not to fret. My husbands are 17 his doctor doesn't seem as concerned as long as he is not bleeding. Hoping that your results are an error and that your platelets will climb back up after next blood test. Take care of yourself. There are alot of ups and downs with MDS. We have panicked about things only to see huge improvements the next week. Just wanted you to know that you are being thought about and being wished the very best. Rose
Husband diagnosed 10/08 RAEB-2 Started Vidaza treatments in Jan 09 until now
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