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Old Mon Sep 27, 2010, 02:38 PM
Hopez2 Hopez2 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: New Jersey
Posts: 17

You have been in my thoughts - did your husband get his transplant yet? How have things been on your end?
Things here have been a little rough. My husband, Bob, was told 2 weeks ago that he could go home if he ate and walked as his blood counts came up rather quickly, however he has done little of both. Tomorrow will be 3 weeks since he has had a full meal. He started with mouth sores and as they got better, he became increasingly nauseous. It seemed as if he would vomit after eating. They thought maybe graft versus host disease of upper gi tract, but prelim results showed nothing. We will get final results today. It could possibly be psycho-sematic. I've been told by one of the Dr.'s that this is often harder on their younger patients than the older ones mentally. I guess you just aren't prepared to face a life-threatening illness at a young age.
I hope things are going as well as possible for you and your family.

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