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Old Sun Oct 3, 2010, 12:09 AM
Debbie W Debbie W is offline
Join Date: May 2010
Location: NJ
Posts: 202
Hi Karen

Yes it was the conditioning chemo that made him nauseous, once most of the chemo was finished and he went to a regular schedule of Ativan he slowly began eating again. He is back to just having the Ativan at night to help him sleep. Foods still do not taste very good, but at least he is eating small amounts and doing his exercises. Thanks for the positive thoughts

I read your thread about making a choice on a transplant center, what relief that must be! Now I'm sending you positive thoughts on finding a donor.
Debbie, wife of Mike age 58, diagnosed RAEB 2 April 2010. Initial blast count somewhere between 10-15% then 20% after two treatments of Dacogen. Completed induction therapy 8/2/2010. BMB 8/31/10 - 4% blasts. SCT 10/1/2010. Relapsed in 10/2014, second transplant from same donor on 12/31/2014.
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