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Old Mon Oct 18, 2010, 11:24 AM
squirrellypoo squirrellypoo is offline
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: London, UK
Posts: 458
Thanks for the flattery, everyone!

I had a haematology checkup today and both my nurse and doctor agreed that the gynae/endocrine doctor situation is unacceptable so both are on the case to see if they can get me seen by a new doctor any quicker than Christmas (my next scheduled appointment from the retiring doc). Other than that, everything's fine, so they're sending my GP the go-ahead to get my immunisations started in a few weeks (but I'm ringing my GP now to get the flu shot before bugs start going around so we don't have to wait for the letter). I'm also getting the standard bone density scan, but she doesn't think that'll be a problem, and she's waiving another lung function test since, as she put it "you're a runner so clearly you've not got lung issues!".

Next checkup in THREE MONTHS! woo! and I got to show around wedding photos on my iPhone to absolutely everyone, too.

Originally Posted by Mary4Mike View Post
On a different note, have you read about or considered natural bioidentical hormones for the gyno problems?
Without going into too many details, that retiring gynae/endocrine doc has said that he doesn't think I need total hormone replacement and that he thinks I'm still making some hormones so only a little bit is needed. Whether that's actually true, who knows. But HRT is not on the cards right now.
36/F - 1984 SAA treated with ATG [complete remission until] Oct 08 - burst blood vessels in eyes and low platelets; Jan 09 - AA & hypo-MDS; July 09 - BMT (RIC MUD PSCT) July 10 - 10k for Anthony Nolan (1yr post BMT! 53:48) Sep 10 - Wedding! I've run 5 marathons now!! (PB 3:30!)
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