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Old Tue Nov 2, 2010, 01:47 AM
Hopeful Hopeful is offline
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: California, USA
Posts: 769
Hi GaryV,

Although you have an "excellent hemotologist", I am a firm believer in second opinions. Your case seems complex and deserves more attention as there may be more options.

In my experience, the doctors with a "passion for bone marrow failure diseases" will hold your hand more through the decision making process. Find one of them.

As to your question about "why drug therapy"...I believe that advances in research on bone marrow failure are happening at an accelerated rate. I hope to be here when a more definitive cure is discovered. If not, I would like to think that my experience has helped in some small way to the furthering of research for the benefit of future generations.

Never give up!
58 yo female, dx 9/08, AA/hypo-MDS, subclinical PNH, ATG/CsA 12/08, partial response. small trisomy 6 clone, low-dose cyclosporine dependent
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