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Old Sat Nov 20, 2010, 09:06 PM
Greg H Greg H is offline
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: North Carolina
Posts: 660
Originally Posted by Lisa Z View Post
. . . not for one minute did I plan on staying somewhere locally the 2nd week of the trial. I was staying right on the premises....... just in case. And, I will tell you, when we left for home on that final Friday, we didn't get out of there till 3 or 4 pm. We hit all kinds of nasty traffic going North on 95 on a Friday at that time. We finally stopped to eat and I told my husband, "we are either getting a hotel, or finding a different way home".
Hey Lisa!

I noticed in the protocol the option of doing the second week as an outpatient, but no one has mentioned that to me as a possibility, so far. I wouldn't mind, except that the local hotels are pretty expensive compared to free room and board at the Clinical Center. (The Marriott nearby even wants you to pay extra for wireless internet!)

Thanks for the note about your late departure. I'm concerned about that, since I"ll be getting out on "Black Friday." I'm hoping that means everyone will already be in the malls, as opposed to driving the highways, but I'm concerned we may wind up in a hotel Friday night instead of getting home to NC.

Take Care!

Greg, 59, dx MDS RCMD Int-1 03/10, 8+ & Dup1(q21q31). NIH Campath 11/2010. Non-responder. Tiny telomeres. TERT mutation. Danazol at NIH 12/11. TX independent 7/12. Pancreatitis 4/15. 15% blasts 4/16. DX RAEB-2. Beginning Vidaza to prep for MUD STC. Check out my blog at
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