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Old Thu Nov 25, 2010, 10:11 AM
Greg H Greg H is offline
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: North Carolina
Posts: 660
Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Catherine: I'm not sure Bruce gets points for being from New Jersey, though he may get points for having the good sense to move to California! ;-)

My daughter toured out there this summer and kind of fell in love with the place -- all of it, from South to North and in between. She's going back in the Spring of 2012 (if not before) and already has a bunch of gigs lined up.

I'm a little afraid I may lose her to the West. On the other hand, if she makes that move, I'm going to insist her sister give up theater in NYC for film in LA, pack up Marcy, my Mom, the chickens and dogs, and move to the North Shore of Oahu. (Heck, maybe Sarah can get a part on that new Hawaii 5-0 series. She'd make a good hard-boiled detective or prosecutor.)

Susan: I, too, was pretty impressed that they were still looking after a patient six years later. It's a pretty amazing place.

Happy Thanksgiving!

I think I'm having the cranberry-flavored Campath today . . .

Greg, 59, dx MDS RCMD Int-1 03/10, 8+ & Dup1(q21q31). NIH Campath 11/2010. Non-responder. Tiny telomeres. TERT mutation. Danazol at NIH 12/11. TX independent 7/12. Pancreatitis 4/15. 15% blasts 4/16. DX RAEB-2. Beginning Vidaza to prep for MUD STC. Check out my blog at
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