Thread: New diagnosis
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Old Thu Dec 2, 2010, 08:26 PM
missmel missmel is offline
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: southern illinois
Posts: 5
New diagnosis

My 17 year old son was diagnosed with AA in Sept 2010. Very shocking as he has always been a healthy kid. wbc low normal range hemoglobin 5 and platelets 15.Bone marrow biopsy confirmed diagnosis. So we decided to do ATG tx got 5 doses in early Oct 2010 also started cyclosporine at that time. Now today Dec 2010 counts have been slowly rising. Last platelet transfsion Oct 15 and last blood transfusion Oct 29. This is amazing since he was getting platelets every five days and blood about every two weeks Last counts wbc low but anc okay hemoglobin 10 and platelets 101. Keep praying that this treatment is going to keep working! I guess this will now be a life long journey. The docs did several tests looking for viruses, at chromosomes or other causes. Never came up with what has caused this. So I'm wondering if anyone else ever got a definite answer as to what caused their AA. I know most of the time they can't tell why but just wondered. I'm so glad I found this forum. I am a registered nurse so that has helped a lot with understanding things, but it was all brand new as AA is not taught in nursing school.
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