Thread: Response to ATG
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Old Tue Dec 21, 2010, 01:04 AM
Hopeful Hopeful is offline
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Originally Posted by Leung View Post
Hopeful, thanks for your sharing. My niece is still on cyclosporine, but it seems that it has only slight effect so far. Her platelet has stayed in the range 30k to 34k for a month and it seemed to plateau at this level. In the latest reading 4 days ago, it has slightly risen to 39. Hope we can see gradual and continuous improvement. May I know your current platelet count and cyclosporine dosage? Did your doctor ever suggested doing 2nd ATG? Wish your platelet continue to rise. Have your HGB and ANC reached normal levels?
5k seems like a rise to me! At my last blood test, my platelet count jumped to 111k! Previously it was in the 90k's, so it may be a fluke. My ANC is normal and my HGB is low normal. My RBCs are slightly low. I am currently taking 175mg/day of cyclosporine.

My doctors tossed around the idea of a second ATG at 6 months, but weren't sure it was worth the risk since my response wasn't too dramatic the first time. At the time, they didn't think my platelets would get much higher than the 30k's. They also didn't think my response would last more than 10 months because of the MDS component. Needless to say, I'm cautiously ecstatic and hope I didn't just jinx myself by writing all of this!

Patience! Hope things continue to go well for your niece!
58 yo female, dx 9/08, AA/hypo-MDS, subclinical PNH, ATG/CsA 12/08, partial response. small trisomy 6 clone, low-dose cyclosporine dependent
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