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Old Fri Mar 4, 2011, 12:08 PM
Hopeful Hopeful is offline
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: California, USA
Posts: 768
As Marlene said, it is important to get a second opinion from a specialist in aplastic anemia. I wanted to emphasize doing this as quickly as possible.

I'm guessing that the doctor's wouldn't have done a BMB unless your son's blood counts were abnormal. Things progress rapidly with SAA (if that is what it is). Before transfusions, IST, and BMTs, people would die from untreated SAA within 6 months. I am not trying to scare you but just want to emphasize that although he may seem fine today, in another month he may be transfusion dependent with further damage to his stem cells.

So don't delay! Specialists understand the urgency of treating SAA patients and will fit you in quickly.
58 yo female, dx 9/08, AA/hypo-MDS, subclinical PNH, ATG/CsA 12/08, partial response. small trisomy 6 clone, low-dose cyclosporine dependent
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