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Old Fri Apr 15, 2011, 10:03 PM
Tohobo Tohobo is offline
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Canada
Posts: 22
Recent blood work - need help

Hi all,

Last year I had some blood work done that showed very mild anemia for a few months. My doctor ran an absolute retic count which came back as 15 (ref range 25 - 80). She ran it again in the future, with the same results. Due to my red blood cells floating around low-normal, she decided it was likely just normal for me.

Recently at my annual checkup, she reran the tests. My results are below. She told me that my reticulocytes are almost none existant. Even though my HB and HC are not that low, they are still lower than normal and my retic should be higher to make up for it. She has referred me urgently to a Hematologist and requested I am seen before June. The only symptom I have is I have been really tired the last few months and I've lost 10lbs over last two months without trying. I am a slender male as it is, so the 10lbs should of been hard to lose. I am not too worried, but just wondered if everyone thinks my GP is right is requesting a BMB. She feels it is needed, but I don't know. Any help understanding this is appreciated! Thanks!!

Hemoglobin: 120 (range 140 - 170) LOW
Hematocrit: 0.34 (range 0.39 - 0.49) LOW
RBC: 3.9 (range 4.4 - 5.7) LOW
MCV: 86 (range 80 - 97)
MCH: 30 (range 27 - 32)
MCHC: 349 (range 320 - 360)
RDW: 12.7 (range 11.5 - 15.5)
Platelets: 177 (range 150 - 400)
MPV: 8.6 (range 7.4 - 11.3)

WBC: 3.8 (range 4.2 - 11.0) LOW
ABS Neutrophils: 2.24 (range 1.8 - 7.0)
ABS Lymphocytes: 0.9 (range 1.0 - 3.0) LOW
ABS Monocytes: 0.34 (range 0.0 - 0.80)
ABS Eosinophils: 0.23 (range 0.0 - 0.40)
ABS Basophils: 0.04 (range 0.0 - 0.20)
ABS Reticulocytes: 1 (range 25 - 80) VERY LOW

INR: 1.2 (range 0.8 - 1.2)

B12: 174 (Deficiency < 148, Insufficiency 148 - 220, Normal > 220) LOWISH
Ferritin: 54 (range 20 - 200)

Bilirubin Total: 4 (range < 23)
Albumin: 44 (range 34 - 48)
Alkaline Phos: 41 (range 40 - 130)
ALT: 28 (range < 46)
LDH: 160 (range 110 - 215)
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