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Old Sat Apr 16, 2011, 05:29 PM
Tohobo Tohobo is offline
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Canada
Posts: 22
Thanks for responding so fast!!! I appreciate this forum so much as I didn't know who to talk to. I will try to answer all the questions below.

To start off, I have Colitis, but it has been completely under control for the last two years without an diarrhea or problems recently.

I have been taking B12, Vitamin D and Multivitamins daily for the last couple years.

I have had my Iron checked, it was in the middle of normal. As you saw, my ferritin was normal to. My folate, B6 and copper were also all normal. My zinc was at the very bottom of low-normal. I have never had MMA or Homocysteine tested, but I will ask next time I see my GP.

I have had a Occult Fecal test and it showed no blood in my stool. I am not on any meds that would cause this issue and I do not drink alcohol at all. I have also had my kidneys checked out and they are good.

I am 25 years old and male, so I am very young. I went from 5'9" about 150 to 135lbs over a couple months.

I just have a question of my own. My GP thinks while my B12 is on the low side, she doesn't think it is low enough to have caused my retic to be almost 0. She feels regardless of if my HB, HCT and RBC being only mildly low, that a bone marrow test should be done just to be on the safe side with such a low retic count. I would really appreciate an honest answer as I'm not a panic type person, I just want to go into my appt with a realistic approach.

Am I possibly dealing with a bone marrow suppression problem hear or is it very unlikely? I know you aren't doctors, just wondering if you've seen others like my case.

Thanks a million!!!
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