Thread: Homeopathy ?
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Old Fri Apr 22, 2011, 08:08 AM
Marlene Marlene is offline
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Springfield, VA
Posts: 1,408
Hi Neel,

I do use homeopathy, but not for MDS. I know of others who have had success with ITP, mostly with children. Homeopathy is very controversial in the allopathic medicine world as you can imagine. We use it mostly for "first aid" type issues. I was pretty much a skeptic until my GP suggested I use it for a bad cold/flu. I very rarely have to seek medical assistance but about two years ago, I was having a terrible time with a virus. So I called my doc but he was booked solid so he asked a few odd questions about my symptoms and suggested a homeopathic remedy. The response was rapid. With the first dose, I was able to sleep and second one cleared the throat problem completely. From then on, I felt there was something to this and have continued to learn more about it. BTW, he said if I did not get any relief, to go to an urgent medical clinic.

For something as deep-seated as MDS, you really need to work with a good homeopath. And then there various flavors of homeopaths. You need to give it at least 6 -12 months. I am currently working with classic homeopathic for menopause issues for the past six months and am seeing improvements in other areas as well. The flashes abated and seasonal allergies are dramatically improved.

We use a combination of allopathic and complementary medicines. The complementary therapies are very supportive for healing since they all pretty much focus on the person and not the disease. Homeopathy looks at the physical, mental and emotional aspects of the person.

Hope this helps.....
Marlene, wife to John DX w/SAA April 2002, Stable partial remission; Treated with High Dose Cytoxan, Johns Hopkins, June 2002. Final phlebotomy 11/2016. As of July 2021 HGB 12.0, WBC 4.70/ANC 3.85, Plts 110K.
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