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Old Mon Jun 27, 2011, 12:31 AM
Laura Laura is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Minnesota
Posts: 433
I am having an awful time. I am assuming it is from the Prednisone...

On and off I have a pain/tightness in my jaw/mouth bones, severe bone pain in the lower legs, ankle/hand/wrist joint pain. On and off I feel like I can't catch my breath/SOB/major fluid overloaded. It is more uncomfortable than anything. I still have issues with severe headaches. Basically just uncomfortable.

I also had that red rash tonight for hours...covered my legs, arms, feet...well the good majority of me....

I am sure it is nothing but will be calling in the am...and will be asking for Lasix.

I also have some bruising...not sure if it is because I worked out in the yard today and over did it...or labs tomorrow too...

While I understand the need for Prednisone, I am miserable at the same time and want to stop it soon.

Is it really that common to get ITP post BMT as they claim? Or is it a flux? Any theories out there in regards to this?

Laura; dx SAA; MUD transplant June 18, 09; ITP June, 2011; fighting multiple complications/GVHD and now low counts again...
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