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Old Sat Oct 1, 2011, 10:38 AM
Duume Duume is offline
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: North Florida
Posts: 2
Get a FIRST class Specialist's opinion

I live in Florida and my wife has had MDS for ten years now. Up until 2months ago Pro Crit worked ok, but she has now gone immune to it and is scheduled to start Vidaza treatments this coming Tuesday. The best at MDS that I know of is Professor Allan List at Moffett Cancer Center in Tampa , Florida. He is the head of his department and is known world-wide for his clinical studies. He was a prime figure in the development of Revlamid. (Moffett is rated the best cancer center in Florida and 18th overall in the US - and they are fairly new with ratings rising.

There are a lot of Dr's who know nothing about MDS but are willing to accept your check. My wife was anemic, weak, basically sick for two years and had seen three different Dr's with no knowlege and no results before we finally got a Oncologist who did the bone marrow biopsy.
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