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Old Sun Oct 16, 2011, 03:22 PM
Sally C Sally C is offline
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Location: Chesterfield, Va.
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Originally Posted by mscrzy1 View Post
Well, I can tell you that a good thing I'm seeing in her blood counts is that her MCV isn't high. MCV is the mean cell volume. When it runs high, it tells you that your bone marrow is having to work hard to produce the cells it needs to sustain you.
Hey Angie,
My husband's MCV is 109.9 - high normal is 98 on his CBC. What does this mean? He's in a new clinical trial at NIH for Promacta to raise his platelets. While not setting the world on fire, his platelets were 28,000 on Thurs. This has enabled him to go months without a platelet transfusion (around 10,000 - 12,000 is when he would usually get transfused). His reds are holding as well although again not setting the world on fire - 8.8 last Thurs. They would transfuse him when he would get under 8. He has been transfusion dependent since 1/09.
Maesmom - Forgive me for hijacking your thread but I saw Angie's comment and hoped she could answer this. I have been watching his MCV steadily go up.
Thanks for any info you can give me.
God Bless,
Sally, wife of MDS patient
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