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Old Sun Feb 5, 2012, 04:44 PM
ziad adore my father ziad adore my father is offline
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Lebanon tripoli
Posts: 36
Worst day ever

Before yesterday was the wrst day ever, dad had fever 39c from mouth, and suddenly became breathless more then usual. I took him directly to the ER, there they did for him many tests such as lung xray (normal) urine test ( all negative), chemstry and cbc. Cbc showed:
Wbc 1700
Hmg 9.5
Plts 14k
ANC 730
The day next, they told me that we need 48 hours to know the type of the infection my dad got, the day after, he got platelets transfusion but unforntunatetly his cbc test the next day was bad:
Wbc 1400
Hmg 9.0
Plts 80k (due transfusion in same day)
ANC 128 (!!!!!)

What make me mad is day after day his anc and wbc are getting lower and lower even with the daily injection of neupogen ..... Whats wrong??? Im so afraid why neupogen is not working? We need that he recovers his wbc to be able to continue the vidaza treatment
I feel dad coming worse day after day and we are not able to live at home any more we spend more time in hospital and what next?

My question dear all, will my dad have his wbc , anc, up again?
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