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Old Thu Mar 1, 2012, 02:55 PM
Marlene Marlene is offline
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Springfield, VA
Posts: 1,407
My knee jerk reaction is NO to a yearly BMB. They are assuming your son will go on to develop some other type of blood disorder. What are they basing this on? I haven't kept up the stats on how many go on to develop MDS or Leukemia but I would think he has a better chance of an SAA relapse than the other two. And if that's the case, it's not treated until it's at the SAA stage and sometimes when it's moderate. A BMB is not the sole criteria , somehow, you can maintain normal peripheral blood counts with low cellularity. So they would never treat based on just low cellularity.

I think the risk out weighs the benefit. I think more frequent CBCs would be a better option. That's just my opinion.

So to answer your question. John is going on his 10 year anniversary this year. He's had only two BMB. Both were done before treatment. The first was inconclusive so he needed a second. He has not had any since. And he's in a partial, stable remission.
Marlene, wife to John DX w/SAA April 2002, Stable partial remission; Treated with High Dose Cytoxan, Johns Hopkins, June 2002. Final phlebotomy 11/2016. As of July 2021 HGB 12.0, WBC 4.70/ANC 3.85, Plts 110K.

Last edited by Marlene : Thu Mar 1, 2012 at 04:51 PM.
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