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Old Sat Apr 21, 2012, 12:04 AM
Laura Laura is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Minnesota
Posts: 433
Thanks everyone......once again......a copy and paste.....

FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 2012 10:48 PM, CDT

After almost three weeks inpatient, I am home. Got home not too long ago. Very tired and need to catch up on much needed sleep.

HGB down to 9, transfusion dependent on plts. Whites remain okay, but I am also on Prednisone.

I will be followed at station 94 outpatient (BMT) for a bit here. It sounds like they will give the counts 3-4 weeks to recover and if no recovery noted possibly another BMB and go from there. Please send those prayers that my counts just got knocked down from the flu and all.

I still can have significant pain in the rib area. It just stinks because you can't immobilize the area like you can a broken leg. If I try and sleep on my right side to keep weight off my left ribs, my healing sacrum fracture aches like crazy. So it is hard to get comfortable to sleep at night. The ribs are wrapped, which is nice, because it makes it much less sore overall.

Since I got admitted, I have been getting platelets every 4-5 days through my PICC line. My HGB was in high 9 range but has dropped off to the low 9. I have needed Potassium supplements here and there. My liver enzymes were sky high, but are coming down and all tests have come back negative. Requiring insulin from the high sugars related to Prednisone. Having issues with high BP but monitoring it for now. Sometimes systolic can get as high as 150-160 and diastolic 90-115. Still having issues with fluid overload at times requiring Lasix. My calcium was low while inpatient so was put on calcium supplements and it improved. When I was first admitted my Mag was very high but that also has improved. Status quo on the blood clot in the leg. The blood clot in the lung still provides some shortness of breath and xrays show ateletacisis and there are decreased breath sounds in the area.

While inpatient my mouth GVHD flared greatly and I was restarted on prograf/decadron swish and spit and my mouth is much improved.

My skin issues were pushed to the side as not the main focus right now due to everything else.

I am sure I am forgetting something. I am so tired so I am off to bed. Will update more as able.
Laura; dx SAA; MUD transplant June 18, 09; ITP June, 2011; fighting multiple complications/GVHD and now low counts again...
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