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Old Thu May 3, 2012, 02:29 AM
Ita Ita is offline
Join Date: May 2012
Location: Jakarta, Indonesia
Posts: 2
thalidomide therapy

Hello, i am Ina, i just joint in this group today. My father have MDS abt 2 years ago and for the first time only his platelet drop ( 60.000 ), his red blood cell still normal and he got thalidomide 2x1 cap everyday.
During he take thalidomide, his platelet is abt 100.000 lekosit abt 3000 and Hb still normal. But, many side effect of thalidomide such constipation, cramps, etc.
On December 2011, he admission to hospital bcs shortness of breath.
After that, his hemoglobin slowly down and his lekosit too.
His hemoglobin abt 9.5 lekosit abt 2000 and platelet 30.000 and the Dr increase the dose of thalidomide 2x2 cap per day.
After 10 days take 2x2 thalidomide, my father look very pale and he dont have energy to wake up and he is very shortness of breath and he admission to hospital now.
The Dr check his blood and Hb only 6.5 Lekosit 1300 Thrombocyt 17.000
He got 4 bag red blood transfusion and 4 bag throbocyt transfusion.
Now, his Hb 10.5 but thrombocyt 14.000
The Dr give Cholescor cap 3x2 per day and thalidomide 1x1 per day.
Any person in here who have experience like my father?

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