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Old Mon Jul 2, 2012, 06:08 AM
SLB SLB is offline
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Posts: 130
I have just finished my 3rd round of vidaza. I have had no nausea (take zofran each time) but suffered bad constipation from the zofran. Also get the red, sore injection sites which peel and itch days later. I find that on my treatment days I always feel wiped out and tired but usually in the 3 weeks off I feel pretty good. My blood tests at the start of round 3 showed improvement in my Hgb counts and my platelets. No real movement in my neutrophils or white counts though (these have always been my worse). From what I read results can differ greatly. Some people see quick improvements in their counts and some never respond, but 6 months seems to be the initial timeframe to see if the vidaza is working. My haemotologist said he was probably give me another BMB at the 6 month mark. hope you continue to tolerate the vidaza well and improves your counts.
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