Thread: Moffitt visit
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Old Fri Jul 13, 2012, 06:26 PM
PattiDean PattiDean is offline
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Clearwater, FL
Posts: 171
Hello Linda,

Thank you so much for your post, it was a very busy two days for you and Al, no wonder you are exhausted, but thankfully it sounds like you were very happy with your experience, and Al gets to take part in a trial.

That isn't good news about his platelets though, or the letter regarding your insurance.

Dean just began his Dacogen treatment and is doing fine, no side effects. He will also be taking Revlimid.

Dean's platelets are 14, and his blood counts are low, so tomorrow he has to go to the hospital for transfusions of blood and platelets. After his chemo treatment today, we had to go to the hospital for type matching, it was a long day. Sunday our oncologist is going to meet us at his office and give Dean an injection of Neulasta. Monday morning an appointment with the VA regarding Dean's drug coverage, he receives his medications through the VA, and we have to check to see if they will cover the Revlimid. I think you are right, this is our normal now.

Our husbands are troopers, I don't think I could be as strong as they are, if it were me.

I am hoping the trial shows promising results for Al, you need good news. You have not rambled. Thank you so much for telling us about your visit to Moffitt and telling us your experience. Is Al feeling better? He had a fever before you left.

You both are in our thoughts and prayers. (((HUGS)))

As Sally always ends her posts, God Bless.

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