Thread: Moffitt visit
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Old Sun Jul 15, 2012, 04:44 PM
PattiDean PattiDean is offline
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Clearwater, FL
Posts: 171
Hello Sally,

Dean received his Neulasta injection this morning. We met the oncologist/hemotologist at his office for the shot. Tuesday Dean returns to the office to check his counts after the transfusion and injection. Fingers crossed and lots of prayers that it will be good news! Thank you for telling me about Don's experience, that gives us a lot of hope.

The doctor also wrote a prescription for Ambien to help Dean sleep, and another prescription for antibiotics, I guess because his immune system isn't very good at the moment.

Dean is feeling a little down today, but I keep reminding him that it has only been two weeks since we found out his dx, it is going to take a little while to get use to this new routine.

Do you drive to the NIH? We will have you in our thoughts, and will be saying a lot of prayers for both of you. Look forward to hearing about your visit. Safe travels.


God Bless!

Patti and Dean
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