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Old Thu Jul 19, 2012, 12:15 AM
milliken2 milliken2 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Ellwood City, PA. U.S.A.
Posts: 163
Blood Draws


That's why we go to the local hospital for Earl's blood draws. The ones at the hema/onc's office are - in my opinion - not reliable. They do not have the equipment that a hospital lab does - and I have been in the lab when the 'testing' was being done. No centrifuge at all, and to me - you won't get a good result unless the blood in run through a centrifuge. We have a standing order at the hospital - and I have Earl wait in the lobby while I go and get the tubes from the lab - then off to short stay where the RN does the blood draw. Not a finger stick like in the hema/onc's office - since she is a lab tech, and can't draw from the mediport. Also - when I gave them the order - I had all 6 of his docs fax number on it - his hema/onc, our PCP. the rheumatologist, the VA doc, his APS doc, and Dr. Sekeres at the Cleveland clinic. They copied the order and the fax numbers - and I make sure it gets to where it is needed.
If there are clumped platelets - you need to make sure you have a lavender and blue top drawn so that they can be properly tested. Earl gets a CBC w/diff and a retic count twice a week. He also gets tped and cross matched in case he does need blood. If you are gettinng Al's tubes or if you are with him - you need to make sure they do a gold top for the CBC, a pink top for a type and cross match, and a blue and lavender one for the proper platelet level. You also need a red waste tube and the vacutainer.
Earl has a permanent blood band with his type and patient number, but your still need a screen and cross match done - and that is only good for 72 hours. In other words - if it is drawn today - you can still use that if Al needs blood within the next 72 hours.
I have become well acquainted with the staff at the lab, and also the nurses who do his blood draws - and they let me know where his levels are within an hour after the draw. If needed - have the Doc write on the order "Copy to Patient" - that way you will get it, and not have to go through medical records, etc.
Good Luck to both of you.
Beth - R.N., B.S.N and wife of recently diagnosed husband who has been classified at stage 4 MDS. and I can't help the one I love the most.
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