Thread: Greg's story
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Old Sun Jul 22, 2012, 09:26 PM
Greg H Greg H is offline
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: North Carolina
Posts: 660
Originally Posted by gregdeklerk View Post
The report says hypercellular with erythroid hyperplasia and megaloblastic maturation. The blood morphology is hypersegmented neutrophils and oval macrocytes.

They don't sound normal to me!
Hi Greg!

Erythroid hyperplasia means the marrow has way more baby red blood cells than would be normally expected, which ties in which your doc's comment that you are making them, but they aren't making it into your bloodstream.

Megaloblastic maturation means you have some giant red cells in the marrow that result when the nucleus of the cell and the rest of the cell don't mature at the same time, like they should.

Hypersegmented neutrophils are white blood cells with too many lobes on their nuclei.

And Oval Macrocytes are too-big red blood cells that are oval instead of round.

I'm not a doctor, but has yours talked about megalobalstic anemia? All of these things in your BMB are associated with that kind of anemia, which can be caused by B12, Folate, or copper deficiencies.

You've probably already had all that checked, but I thought I'd ask. Even if the B12 & Folate check out, it's important to check the copper as well. Hopefully you just have a vitamin deficiency and not MDS.

Take Care!

Greg, 59, dx MDS RCMD Int-1 03/10, 8+ & Dup1(q21q31). NIH Campath 11/2010. Non-responder. Tiny telomeres. TERT mutation. Danazol at NIH 12/11. TX independent 7/12. Pancreatitis 4/15. 15% blasts 4/16. DX RAEB-2. Beginning Vidaza to prep for MUD STC. Check out my blog at
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