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Old Sun Aug 12, 2012, 12:32 AM
BrianFlaigmore BrianFlaigmore is offline
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: San Diego CA USA
Posts: 27
Hi there, I am currently +65 days after a matched unrelated donor transplant and I'm 26 years old. If transplant is an option for you then it is a very anxious time, your "life" might be put on hold for a bit. But honestly life is not on hold. During this time I have come to know myself so much better and I know that sounds like a copout but it actually has become the most important time in my life so far. I'll just run through some of the questions that the two awesome responses might not have touched on.

Before my transplant I was transfusion dependent from December '11 to July '12. I had a PICC inserted in in February when we tried ATG and kept the line until about two weeks ago when it was removed(!). It's a bit of a hassle flushing it, getting the dressing changed and covering before showering, but is was so much better than the alternative (which I experienced from December to February getting poked ten plus times per week with low platelets). It kind of becomes your friend hanging out of your arm, kind of.

For the days following chemo you will more than likely be fed with TPN. It's awesome that the stuff exists but trying to get off of it sooner than later by continuously eating very very small meals is good.

Everyone feels different physically following the transplant. But I was able to begin walking quite a bit by pacing in my room when I was isolated. Then more so when I was freed. I try to walk two or more miles a day at the park near my house, although I have to wear my n95 mask since I am still within 100 days and I really don't like people staring and wondering what it wrong with that guy. The best advice that I have heard over recovering quickly is come into the procedure in as good of shape as you can and try to get out of bed every single day.

With all of that being said I hope that something changes and you will not need this treatment, but know that if you do that it is something that is very conquerable.

26m Mystery liver failure 6/11 treated with prednisone. Falling counts, Rituxan attempted for Evans syndrome 11/11. Tx dependent and SAA dx 12/11. hATG 2/12, no response. MUD BMT 5/6/12. Living life!
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