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Old Fri Aug 24, 2012, 11:24 PM
Chirley Chirley is offline
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Logan City Australia
Posts: 1,100
Hi Beth, sorry you and Earl had to go through that but at least his hearts ok.

If I remember correctly it was the PA who made this diagnosis and recommendation wasn't it?

You know Beth last time I was in hospital they tried to run my IV copper at twice the rate that the doctor ordered and I had to threaten to refuse to have it before they ran it at the correct rate and then they took someone else's blood (with AML) and put my name on it so my doctor thought I had redeveloped MDS or worse. The hospital never acknowledged this mistake or apologized so I put in a complaint to a nurse manager. She called the Director of Nursing who came to see me and he told me that by making a complaint I had upset the nurse who made the mistake and that the nurse was now suffering anxiety! As far as I know I never even met this nurse!

The DON wrote in my chart that I was irrational. I only found this out when my GP received a discharge letter. My GP was furious because he has known me for many years and knows that I don't make a habit of complaining. The Prof also saw the chart entry and asked me about it, I told him what had happened and he wrote down the name and number of the patient advocate and told me to pursue my rights to have this entry withdrawn. He said that it wasn't the first time he had seen patients labelled as disruptive because they made a complaint about service or mistakes. He said it's done to cover themselves legally if there is ever a court case. It undermines the patients

Even my haematologist reckons I'm one of the most placid people he's known. Little does he know that I'm like a duck, all serene on the surface and paddling like hell underneath.

Anyway, it's over for you now for the time being. I hope you both get a good rest and lots of loving from Hannah.


Copper deficiency bone marrow failure (MDS RAEB 1), neuromyelopathy.
FISH reported normal cytogenetics but gene testing showed
Xq 8.21 mutation
Xq19.36 mutation
Xq21.40. mutation
1p36. Mutation
15q11.2 deletion
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