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Old Mon Sep 10, 2012, 10:20 AM
chrplunk chrplunk is offline
Join Date: May 2012
Location: Charlotte, NC
Posts: 14
Exclamation Avg amount of time Cyclosporine took to begin seeing a response.

Hi. I have a very important question. Please any info you can give us would be so helpful.

We need to know, please, the average amount of time it took for people with MDS who are on Cyclosporine to respond? My mom has been on the drug now for approx three to four months with no changes in counts. I have seen articles stating it does take a bit, but we don't know whether to now try either a different immunosuppresant (low dose Campath for instance), a hypomethylating agent, or stay the course.

If you have any experience with this or knowledge, please respond. How long did it take before counts started going up?

Thank you so much!
Chris Plunkett
Mother has MDS 71yrs RCMD Trisomy 8 and very healthy. IPSS score 1 with very low platelet counts.
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