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Old Mon Nov 5, 2012, 11:06 AM
gina66 gina66 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Roland, OK
Posts: 26

I have PRCA due to Parvo virus. I get blood transfusion every 2 weeks. I had IVIG treatment. I tried Cyclosporine the first time in July for 300 mg/day. After 4 wks I had toxicity as the worst side effects manifested by all my muscles cramping including my heart muscle and I was in pain due to that. We stopped the med. My doctors think it is still the med for me, so I started taking it again 3 weeks ago for lower dose, 100 mg/day. First 2 wks, I started having stiff neck that continues. 3rd week, I started feeling my muscles are shaking or trembling and I had mouth sores that went away. I feel nauseated this wk and dizzy. I do not know that is the med for me. It seems like it builds up in my system only and the only way to stop building up in my system is to stop it. I do not think ATG should be given to me because I have no problem with my WBC. I think I should just continue the IVIG therapy to boost my immune system and stop Parvo virus to re-occur.
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