Thread: Alcohol
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Old Sun Nov 11, 2012, 07:54 PM
MDSPerth MDSPerth is offline
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: Perth, Western Australia
Posts: 74
Hi Lulu
Paul has never been a big drinker, but does enjoy the odd glass of beer or wine when we are socializing. He checked with his haemotologist and he advised that providing it was only in moderation he did not feel that it would do him harm. He has continued on as normal, and it has not affected his response to the growth factors which have managed to raise his RBC and WBC, and even his platelets have risen.

Hope this helps.
Sandi, partner of Paul 62, diagnosed MDS Intermediate 2; July 2012. Pancytopenia, Cytogenetics -7 +8 Chromosomes. Low Blast cell count. Currently on EPO & G-CSF and having great response. MUD found will be admitted to Royal Perth Hospital 27 March 2013 to start SCT process.
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