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Old Tue Jan 1, 2013, 10:27 PM
stayinghopeful stayinghopeful is offline
Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 25
Update 1 year after transplant

Hi everyone
I have been away from this forum for a long time and wanted to come back to get some advice/support.
Im sure some will remember my story, I hope.
My dad received a bone marrow transplant last Jan from his sister.
Since then, he has been on numerous chemos, spent months in the hospital and had 2 DLIs.
He currently is not doing so well. Doctors call his cancer "aggressive".
I have never seen my dad so weak, tired and miserable.
He currently has a blast percentage of 63%
His white blood cells are up to 19 (highest they have ever been)
He has officially gotten a Leukemia disgnosis.

For the last week, he has been having a very high fever. It has been been in the 100-104 range. Yes, It reached 104.1..

He is taking a chemo pilled known as hydroxyurea 500mg 4x a day.
It is really putting a toll on him.

We are waiting to meet with his doctor on the 10th of this month to discuss the next step. We may even try another BMT cause his brother is also a 100% match.

Any feedback/advice would be appreciated.
We are trying to keep him in high hopes, but it is so difficult.
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