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Old Sat Mar 16, 2013, 11:19 PM
dfantle dfantle is offline
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: bellevue, wa
Posts: 150
Tammy, I wish you the best of luck with your transplant. It is scary to think about, tho medically they have come so far and its pretty amazing how much is known by the transplant teams who do these & what they can do now to help the patients manage these better.

As Cam suggested, try to be in the best shape you can prior to transplant and then walk , ride a stationary bike ... while in the hospital, if available, as soon as you can. Even if you can only start off doing it a few minutes a day at first.

I had an unrelated donor SCT end January for SAA. Like Cam I still have ups and downs, but mostly its gone pretty smoothly, so far.

I'm 53, almost 54, so just a few years older than you. If your hospital allows, I suggest you bring in some easy to digest snacks with you. For home, I pre made and froze a number if simple and relatively bland easy to digest meals in single servings before my transplant, such as chicken soup and sweet potato and coconut soup. I still can't seem to eat much in the way of vegetables other than carrots or spinach, sweet potatoes, potatoes. Still steering clear of onions, peppers, broccoli... If you choose to make food in advance, I strongly encourage you to ask your clinic for cooking, chilling, freezing and reheating rules to keep the food safe for you.
Age 54; DX Heavy Chain (AH) Amyloidosis 6/10; AutoSCT 3/11; Amyloidosis remission 6/11; DX SAA 7/11; Horse ATG 3/12; Mini MUD SCT 1/13; Recovered from SAA 5/13 & feeling great
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