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Old Sun Apr 28, 2013, 04:58 AM
Ti Lee Ti Lee is offline
Join Date: Apr 2013
Location: Wuhan,Hubei Province,China
Posts: 3
My Father's Journey

Hello Everybody,I have been here reading some articles for a few days, this is my first post, let's start our story:

I am 30 years old from China, my father is 51 years old and last October, he felt very fatigue and caught cold very often, doctor suggested him to have regular blood test , the result indicated most of the blood counts are lower than normal, we were anxious about that, since he does not have the habit to have routine physical examination every year, we did not predict the situation would be this worse, we moved to the big hospital in the city very soon......

He had blood transfusion at the first day when we arrived in the hospital,we had some more inspection later, Bone marrow biospy, bone marrow aspiration, month later, he was diagnosed as RAEB-1,pretty low WBC and RBC with 5.5% blast, we know leukemia but we had no idea about MDS at that time, we were crazy to search the information in internet, we were shocked when we know how serious this disease is……

In the coming two months, he had regular treatment and routine blood transfusion and we planned to do the BMT for him because we know this is the only one way to make him cure even it is very risky, after three months hard work, we are failed to find the donor……

10 days ago, we started the first cycle of Dacogen(5 days continuous infusion per cycle), actually, we use Cytarabine and Homobarringtonie at the same time, he felt very tired right now, blood counts become very low, I know he is in the bone marrow depression period, but still do not know how long it will be, I read some posts in the forum, I found most of the patients here are using Azacitidine , I do not know why they do not using Dacogen, do you have any suggestion? If we are not responding to Dacogen, what should we do? Azacitidine has not been approved in China yet.

Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated, one patient suggested Kirby Stone’s story in this forum to me and I translated, hopefully the wonderful story could inspire my father and all other patients, thank you !
Ti Lee, Father 51 Years old,Dx on October,2012, Low RBC&WBC,blast 6%,RAEB-1,about 10 times Blood Transfusion till now,we are in China
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