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Old Tue May 28, 2013, 08:26 PM
Ann C Ann C is offline
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Kingsville, Ontario
Posts: 14
Disease Progression

Originally Posted by gramous View Post
hi ann,

I'm totally accord with al's wife.... Don't watch the statistics because it is terrific but you can find here on the forum lots of people who are alive years after diagnosis.... Our philosophy is "enjoy the live" everery day... with up and down but always good moments together...Since the diagnosis, we are living a live that we never could have without desease because when everything gonna be right, you're total enable to see the much important thinks in the live : love, friendly, listening, understanding,....
It is now a new sort of live, greater in quality and more intense....If we have the chance that my boyfriend cure a day, we'll never live as three years ago, never.....
ENJOY every day.
kinds regars, béné
Dear bene,
Thank-you for your beautiful message. Your boyfriend is fortunate to have you as a supportive partner.

I must say that for us too, life changed the moment that myhusband received his diagnosis. From that point forward, we too are savouring each moment. We have come to find a joy in every little action of the day. As well, I have been inspired by the people who write the messages in this forum. I am ever so thankful to Neil, Ruth and Vince who administer this site.
Ann, wife of David age 74, dx RAEB-1 in April 2012, cytogenetics - good (no detected mutations), 6% blasts in bone marrow, hemoglobin - 12.1 WBC - 1.7; platelet count - 98; ANC - 0.5, watch and wait diagnosis
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