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Old Tue May 28, 2013, 08:31 PM
Ann C Ann C is offline
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Kingsville, Ontario
Posts: 14
Disease Progression

Originally Posted by wilmasdaughter View Post
As everyone has said, "wait and see" is kind of a buzzphrase for MDS patients, and yes it's frustrating! But there really isn't much else they can do. I have been trying to find "answers" for over 2 years for my mother - her numbers go up and down. I honestly didn't think she would last this long (she's 91) so I have finally come to peace with it, and am just grateful now for every day I have with her. Even her hematologist mentioned the other day that she's been his patient for two years now -- I think he was kind of surprised! So the best you can do is take each day one day at a time, count your blessings, and enjoy the time you have now. That doesn't mean you don't try treatments and options the doctor gives you, but it's best to come to terms with the up-and-down nature of MDS Short of a BMT, it's truly an uncurable disease. Take care.
Hi Jill,
Thank-you for your thoughtful message. You have helped me to gain a perspective. I agree - live one day at a time with enjoyment and appreciation! I am sure that you are a great source of comfort to your mother.
Ann, wife of David age 74, dx RAEB-1 in April 2012, cytogenetics - good (no detected mutations), 6% blasts in bone marrow, hemoglobin - 12.1 WBC - 1.7; platelet count - 98; ANC - 0.5, watch and wait diagnosis
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