Thread: Blasts in blood
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Old Thu Sep 5, 2013, 09:27 AM
susanML susanML is offline
Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: atlanta, ga
Posts: 66

Originally Posted by billyb View Post
Susan maybe there is scar tissue or inflammation on the slice ( BMB ), and its hard to read, and the doc is holding off on the chemo because he dosent feel the need to knock the body down before its nessassary, it all could be a timeing issue, but if ya"ll arnt in warp speed to get things done, that could be a good thing, I belong to another site ( Daily Strength ) and in the AML section they have a thread called Team Transplant they know all about transplant stuff....were praying for ya.....heck were
Hi - I am fine with waiting till we get a donor - I feel its like you said about not knocking me down till its time - That is kindof the way he was saying it - also the scar tissue is way too much he said. (Fibrosis-I think) and thank you for the other side - I am going to check it out too. That is so cool we are neighbors - I live outside a small town called Bowman - we are out in the country and I absolutely love it. Should have done that years ago. Happiness to you all - Susan
MDS RAEB 2 w/excess blasts - 3+ Fibrosis - previous treatments ATG, Vidaza, Dacogen and Rituxan. Waiting to find my match - Susan
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