Thread: Blasts in blood
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Old Fri Sep 6, 2013, 07:53 AM
Susan L Susan L is offline
Join Date: Jun 2010
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Posts: 245

Originally Posted by billyb View Post
At first they thought it was from her finger because it has been infected, but there were no streaks running up her arm so there guessing it came from where they draw blood, Tina has a port but they dont like drawing blood from there so we are guessing the cbc test site, hard to say with Tina she is on different anti fungals and antibiotics its hard for them to pin point, sometimes I think she has an infection but wont get a fever because of the meds so I kind of have to watch and see when she is acting different to tell if she is starting to get sick
You are so good - hope Tina gets better quick. We are off to Atlanta for blood tests - wishing you the best.
Susan Patient, 58, MDS, UPDATED 9/13
Now have RAEB-2, Firbrosis 3+, blasts 18% peripheral, 10 - 14% blasts marrow, chromosomes now T 1:21, trisonomy 16 and 1.- Match found ---10/10 -couldn't believe when I heard - Tentative day is 1/09th!!!! Admit date changed to 11/12. WOW -
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