Thread: Blasts in blood
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Old Sun Sep 22, 2013, 10:28 PM
billyb billyb is offline
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Georgia
Posts: 117
Pasta, I understand how you fell, this disease effects everone differently, you can put 2 people side by side same diagnosis, karyotypeing, performance status, ect. and they will respond differently, eventhough diagnosis is the same the mechanics of the human body are different. I felt a lot of pain in your last sentance in your responce to my post and I wish there is something I could say to ease your pain, Leukemia Sucks. We have been battleing cancer for some time now, I went out last week and bought ( with the banks help ) a 1989 Corvette Convrtable. You see Tina hasn't been doing well lately, and when I told her I was getting it, she wasn't real happy, but I knew once she got behind the wheel with the top down tooling down the road she would feel the weight of the world lifted off her sholders. As we were driving I looked at her out of the corner of my eye and I havent seen her smile like that in a long time, you see our time together here is limited, I know and understand what lies ahead, as I sit here writing this Tinas mother is takeing her to the hospitol, we have had a viral infection for a couple weeks, and tonight she started running a feaver, ( we have a 10 year old son, so its easier for me to stay here ) hopefully like all the other times it wont be to long of a stay, but I allways have a fear when this happens this might be the time she dosen't come home, anyway I appreciate all the prayers it helps tremendously......Billy
Billy - Husband of Tina: 31 years old at dx - June 2007 - Stage 3 Breast Cancer - Dec 2008 Stage 4 - Brain and Bone - Nov 2012 - Therapy Related AML. Curently on Decitabine for Therapy Related AML and Herceptain for ongoing Breast Cancer. Weekly transfussions of blood and platelets
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