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Old Mon Jul 14, 2014, 04:04 AM
alyasa alyasa is offline
Join Date: Jul 2014
Location: Polokwane, South Africa
Posts: 19
Drug Induced Idiosyncrasy

Perhaps I am clutching at straws in searching for an external cause to reverse the MDS diagnosis!

So I do not mean to flood the forum with questions (I have searched the forum on this issue already). But it would be interesting to know if anyone has pursued this line of inquiry.

I found this medical school video that says that MDS may be caused by Drug Induced Idiosyncrasy. Video ( ) at about 10 minutes drug induced Idiosyncrasy - low risk group (1/10,000 patients); high risk group (chlorpromazine; gold salts; Chloramphenicol ; anti-rheumatic drugs phenulbutazone and oxyphenbutazone)

However, on one of the antibiotics indicated for idiosyncrasies wikipedia (not always reliable I know - but getting to grip with the basics) states that the anaemia is not reversible.

This article explores the issue further

So I was wondering if there are known idiosyncrasies or adverse drug reactions (as my father takes other meds too) that may be the cause - and hopefully if removed would reduce the symptoms.

Much obliged
Alyasa, father aged 72, dx July 2014 RAEB-2, (10.5% blasts) on Vidaza, low WBC (<1)
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