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Old Wed Oct 1, 2014, 06:46 PM
markley markley is offline
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 13
Thanks for all the replies! Really helping to put my mind at ease. The reason that I am getting yearly bloodwork is to monitor my cholesterol, which is borderline high. I happen to keep track of my results in a spreadsheet and graph out my results so that I can see how things are doing. My doctor hasn't called to alarm any flags..just something I noticed. I always meet with my doctor after the bloodwork gets back to discuss the results and just do a general evaluation.

As far as an autoimmune disease, not that I am aware of.

Also, my diet usually consists of a meat, sauted veggie, and a grain of some sort. I definitely "slip" at least once a week (usually on the weekend) and eat not so good. I also rarely eat breakfast, just usually grab my coffee and go. Oh and on average, i would say I have 1 drink a night (either wine or beer).
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