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Old Wed Dec 3, 2014, 04:32 PM
amyangel amyangel is offline
Join Date: Jun 2014
Location: Wisconsin
Posts: 64
Hi all,
Today we are Day + 55 ...

Days + 53, and 54, nothing great same old same old
Mon. labs are still showing the same ..not good , day 54 Amy had a day off and it was great !

Today Amy has a different change in her labs results which sent a RED flag to her Doc. to do a BMB on next Tue.
I love this Doc. Hari is his name and very well know all over the world , but some days you which he was a little most sensitive to the ear .

LOL one of the nurse shared maybe it's his culture lol
I think he has been wonderful don't get me wrong and he is still thankful for where Amy is at ... Today he said , well we didn't kill her and that was his biggest fear . He,said , we have a 2nd chance to try it again and we know now her immune system is stronger than we thought going into it the first time !! To God give the glory for that one !!

Amy's DNA does not follow the pattern of most people so we have given him a great challenge... "and so has God " That I would call our Father God in Heaven he was her creator !!

We have had to learn to Trust , Listen , Wait , and you are not kidding TAKE ONE DAY A time .

I have learned that its ok to Yell and be mad , to be afraid but know that God is by our side . and CRY because God hears all our tears fall .

Today Amys labs are
wbc 1.4 Mon. they were 1.9 ANC 1.04 Mon. 1.57 hemo . 7.7 Mon. 8.1 she is getting 2 Units of blood today . Mag. was 1.3 Mon. 1.4 she is getting Mag today ... As Far as the Mag Amy is taking oral oxide the other mag can not be crushed because it is a slow released kind of med. Amy is already down to only 4 ml of Prograft and her mag stills drops .

We crush all meds for Amy .

Amys platelets have dropped today which again was another red flag.. 96 it had been going up pretty much this whole time ... This will also tell us if she will need any kind of Chemo while we wait until next transplant .

we will continue to keep all of you in our prayers ! Give all the Glory to God!!

Sue and Amy
Mother of a daughter 27 with MDS . Cognitively delayed at birth 1987 , seizures 5 days old . pancytopenia 2006, AIHA 2013, EVANS 2013 , CVID 2013, ALPS 2014. MDS 2014
WBC .3 , hemoglobin 7.3 , hematocrit 2, platelets 60 , neutrophil .21 Mag 1.6, Potassium 4.6
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