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Old Fri Jan 23, 2015, 06:45 PM
Sally C Sally C is offline
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Chesterfield, Va.
Posts: 467
Dear Harini,
I'm so sorry about your Mother. It is tragic at any time but especially at her young age.
Please don't assume that because no one has answered you means they don't know anyone who has survived. It could be there hasn't been anyone who has seen your post that has any experience with it to tell you about. But I would be willing to bet there are many people who have survived secondary aml.
And may I say very kindly - what has happened to someone else has no bearing on how your Mother does. All these cases are individual.
I wish you and your Mom well. They have made great strides with bone marrow diseases. Keep the Faith.
God Bless,
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